Anna – Seychelles Part 2 Praslin

Filed under: Travel — avidovi at 5:35 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2024  Tagged , ,

Praslin is the second largest island of the Seychelles, but it only has 8.000 inhabitants. In my opinion, this island is a little wilder than Mahé. It is basically a huge tropical rainforest thats surrounded by a few buildings and beautiful beaches. 

As the name suggests however, it does rain quite alot, so my days there were quite wet. But since it was still warm, i didnt mind at all! 

I did a hike trough the forest, which is called Vallée de Mai. This it’s official website, with all kinds of information, in case you’d like to learn more:

I saw all kinds of plants, fruits, spiders and the famous coco de mer, which is the biggest kind of coconut in the world, that only grows in the seychelles.

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